Shooting Photo

LA MAISON ROSE is a registered trademark.

Please respect the image of the restaurant and do not bother its customers. 

No photo, video or film shootings are allowed during service hours of the restaurant.

For all photo, video or film shootings please send, beforehand, a written request on the dedicated section on the website of the restaurant, with a 4 weeks delay minimum. The shooting may only take place after an answer from our legal departement.

All professional photo, video or film shootings :

Fiction or to advertise a product, requires signing a legal agreement beforehand, and obtaining a full authorization from ParisFilm.

In order to sign an agreement with our legal departement, please send the following elements :

Date of shooting, and hours of shooting, number of people present, insurance policies

Name and adress of the production, actors and director, script and all the elements concerning the scenes shot at La Maison Rose(story boards, shooting plans etc..)all the distribution elements.

In order to define the contract adequately please inform of :

Distribution medium, date of beginning and end of broadcasting and all elements in order to define the associated rights.

All expenses for the contract are to be paid by the applicant or production of the film.

There is a four week delay minimum for acceptation and a five week delay for the agreement to be registered

As an echo friendly business, we will also need information on the eco commitments of the production.

Last but not least : We only accept filming La Maison Rose in its normal activity

People sitting at our tables and eating our cuisine.

 LA MAISON ROSE can press charges otherwise.

Article 9 of the French civil Code
« Everyone has the right to have his privacy respected. Without prejudice to the right to recover indemnification for injury suffered, judges may prescribe any measures, such as sequestration, seizure and others, suited to the prevention or the ending of an infringement of the intimate character of private life; in case of emergency those measures may be provided for by summary proceedings. »

Article 544 of the French civil Code
« Ownership is the right to enjoy and dispose of things in the most absolute manner, provided they are not used in a way prohibited by statutes or regulations. »

Article 226-1 of the French criminal Code
« A penalty of one year's imprisonment and a fine of €45,000 is incurred for any wilful violation of the intimacy of the private life of other persons by resorting to any means of:

  1. intercepting, recording or transmitting words uttered in confidential or private circumstances, without the consent of their speaker;
  2. taking, recording or transmitting the picture of a person who is within a private place, without the consent of the person concerned. Where the offences referred to by the present article were performed in the sight and with the knowledge of the persons concerned without their objection, although they were in a position to do so, their consent is presumed. »